We Wish You A
Christmas 2023
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02. Christmas Letter

What have we been doing?

2023 has been a fun and busy year full of adventures!

In February, we went to Lava Hot springs, went camping in the summer, saw family in July, swapped Drake and Dresden for our niece for a week, hosted many visitors, visited friends in Idaho, Oregon, and family in Washington over Thanksgiving Break. We are grateful for our health and all that we have been able to do this year making memories with our family. We love our family and friends and wish you all a Merry Christmas and amazing 2024!

03. Drake

Our Lego loving kid


Drake (13) Is in 7th grade, started going to a new school for Middle School and is having a blast. He has been able to participate in multiple field trips through his college and career awareness class and participating in the Lego/robotics club.

04. Dresden

Our little artist


Dresden (11) Is in 6th grade. He is very social, is constantly filling up his sketchbooks and impressing us every day with his talents. Dresden started going to Mathnasium earlier this year, and has developed a love for Math.

05. Dylan

Our spunky little girl


Dylan (9) Is in 4th grade. Dylan loves school and works really hard on her school work. This Fall she enrolled in silks and is looking forward to performing.

06. Jen

The Boss


Jen started working as an Aide in Kindergarten this school year at the kids school and is loving it. She is also currently training for an upcoming Spartan Race this summer in her “spare time.”

07. Vince

Lazy guy with too many hobbies


Vince loves working from home with a growing team at Rebuy. Started going to the gym and somehow agreed to do a Spartan race with Jen this year. Still loves and scared of snakes. He got a rattlesnake tattooed around his leg to keep his fear inline. He drew and carved 300 snakes on coins this year to conquer his fear.  Follow him on Instagram if you want to see his crazy hobby. He gave most of them away. Last - Jen is prob the best wife in the world because now Vince has a motorcycle again.

08. Chloe

Our crazy little boxer


Chloe loves camping and hanging out with her best friend Ozzy ( the big St Bernard that lives next door ).

09. Contact

Send us your address for a card

We love our friends

Let us know if you are ever in Utah, we would love to catch up.